You can focus on having fun with your loved ones.
I take on a limited number of children's birthday parties each year. I prefer small relaxed gatherings, of 1-2 hours, in a quiet outdoor location. You've organized all the details: the cake, the decor and the invite list. Your child's birthday party is about celebrating their growth and your love showered on them in the past year. Imagine instead of running around with your phone, trying to get all the important photos, you are IN the photos. As a children's birthday party photographer, I'll capture you laughing with your child as they lick off the frosting and as you swoop them up in cuddles.

Photographing milestones are important.
They only turn one once! Kids birthday parties can be tricky because they're usually in the afternoon when the lighting is harsh. The bright overhead sun can cast harsh shadows on faces. To figure out where to best place my family for the cake smash and family photos, I asked this mom to send me photos of their backyard on a sunny afternoon. I also looked at Google Maps to determine the location of the backyard and where the shade would fall. We emailed back and forth about the spots with the best, even shade. Fortunately, the day of was an overcast day, providing even, flattering light during their party. But even if the afternoon was harsh and sunny, we had a plan in place to get great light while capturing important moments.

As a birthday party photographer, I'll capture all the details for you.
Each family has different things they would like photographed. I have a detailed questionnaire families fill out so that I can get to know what you're looking for.
This family's birthday party gallery included:
- Posed family photos in different configurations: immediate family, extended family, just siblings, one parent with siblings, birthday boy with grandparents, etc.
- Candid interactions throughout the event: kissing the birthday boy, playing with cousins, laughing with grandparents, etc.
- Details of the event: photos of the cakes, balloon decor, dining decor and the little hands/feet getting covered in cake
If you want some more birthday party inspiration, check out this sweet party here and here. Enjoy!